6 week lesson plan for SEN & KS1 students. Planning includes road safety, stranger awareness and what constitutes an emergency and what to do in an emergency. Planning includes videos, power points which can be accessed via twinkl. Plenary and differentiation is included also.
This planning was created for a class of SEN students and was designed to meet their needs.
PowerPoint activity, teaches students the dangers of using mobile phones, also informs students of the harmful effects of sleep deprivation.
PowerPoint is dyslexia friendly, meaningful teaching.
Simple resource to help students recognise and explore their feelings. A guide is detailed on this simple resources to support completion. This resource allows for freedom of expression.
Circle time - This activity intends to support the recognition of emotions and support emotional literacy. Lesson plan includes differentiation, video, warm up and easy to create resources.
Easy to adapt to suit your class.
Designed for KS1 and SEN.
Happy teaching.
6 weeks planning, includes activities, plenary and differentiation. This planning was designed for a special needs class. However this planning is suitable for early years and upwards. Easy to adapt to suit your students.
Thank you and happy teaching.
The PowerPoint explains the importance of hygiene in the kitchen and food management. The PowerPoint explains the importance of personal hygiene in the kitchen.
PowerPoint I created for a lesson topic, 'What makes a relationship healthy?'. Small activities through the PowerPoint with a plenary to produce evidence of learning.
Happy Teaching :)
12 Lessons designed for special need's students. The recipes begin with hot drinks and progress to wraps and hot dogs. These simple recipes are designed for simplicity as well with the intention to encourage and progress independent living.
Hope this helps.
Happy teaching.
How the media influences fast foods. Lesson contains:
Dyslexia friendly PowerPoint
Starter video for hook
Tasks for white-boards
Learning through discussion and video
Activity - create your own design to influence others to eat more healthier.
Peer assessment
Resources are attached (except white-boards)
Differentiation is involved, all learning styles are included. Assessment for learning methods described in lesson planning.
I have this used this lesson for mainstream and special ed teaching.
I am using this for a lesson observation Monday, wish me luck…
Six lessons with videos and will include a couple PowerPoints to make life easier. I pulled the topic from the Science Primary Guide, to ensure I was meeting the correct expectations by topic. Loved teaching this topic, the students enjoyed the videos, and you will be surprised what the students already know. I took my students outside and on rainy days and days when we explored the oceans we created aquariums or matched words to the correct life in the ocean.
1: Life in the ocean
2: To recognise a variety of birds.
3: To recognise the differences between an amphibian and a reptile.
4: To recognise different types of minibeasts.
5: To recognise the difference between herbivores, carnivores.
6: To recognise differences between animals teeth.
PSHCE - All about me. 6 Weeks planning designed for students with special needs, can easily be adapted to suit your students, may be helpful for early years and foundation.